Godager, G., A. Scott (2023): Physician behavior and health outcomes,
Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (Preprint version)
Aas, E., C.B.H Thorjussen and G. Godager (2023) The Role of Health Status and Social Capital in Cancer Mortality: Insights from Matched Register and Survey Data,
Nordic Journal of Health Economics (IN PRESS)
Godager, G., H. Hennig-Schmidt, JJ Li, F. Yang and J. Wang (2023): Does gender affect medical decisions? Results from a behavioral experiment with physicians and medical students,
Nordic Journal of Health Economics (IN PRESS) (Preprint version)
Galizzi, MM., G. Godager, J. Li, I. Linnosmaa, T. Tammi, D. Wiesen (2023): Economics of Healthcare Provider Altruism, Aars, O.K., G. Godager, O. Kaarboe and T.A. Moger (2022): Sending emails to reduce medical costs? The effect of feedback on general practitioners’ claiming of fees, HERO Working Paper 2022:1 "Model Based Incidence Rates of Dementia in Norway" (With Abel Sapirstein and Geir Selbæk). "Fairness ideals, health state and lifestyle" (With Adrian K. Lysne and Lilia Wasserka-Zhurakovska)
"Predicting behavior in games with vector payoffs"(Project preregistered at Open Science Framework) (With Ge Ge, Arne Risa Hole and Stephanie Thomas)
"Imperfect quality competition in regulated health care markets" (with Ge Ge) Work in progress on Quantal Response Equilibrium International Research Collaborative for Health Economic Experiments - IRECOHEX - Norwegian Centre for Health Services Research - NORCHER – Publications Godager, G., A. Scott (2023): Physician behavior and health outcomes, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (IN PRESS) Galizzi, MM., G. Godager, J. Li, I. Linnosmaa, T. Tammi, D. Wiesen (2023): Economics of Healthcare Provider Altruism, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (Preprint version) Aas, E., C.B.H Thorjussen and G. Godager (2023) The Role of Health Status and Social Capital in Cancer Mortality: Insights from Matched Register and Survey Data,
Nordic Journal of Health Economics (IN PRESS)
Godager, G., H. Hennig-Schmidt, JJ Li, F. Yang and J. Wang, (2023): Does gender affect medical decisions? Results from a behavioral experiment with physicians and medical students, Nordic Journal of Health Economics (IN PRESS) Ge, G., G. Godager and J. Wang (2022): Exploring physician agency under demand-side cost sharing - An experimental approach. Health Economics Godager, G., T. Iversen and Ø. Snilsberg (2021): [Article in Norwegian] Betalingsmåter for teamarbeid i primærhelsetjenesten, Michael 28, p100-109 Ge, Ge and Geir Godager (2021): Predicting strategic medical choices: An application of a quantal response equilibrium choice model, Journal of Choice Modelling Ge, Ge and Geir Godager (2021): Data from an incentivized laboratory experiment on strategic medical choices, Data in brief Cheo, R., G. Ge, G. Godager, R. Liu, Q. Wang and J. Wang, (2020): The effect of a mystery shopper scheme on prescribing behavior in primary care: Results from a field experiment, Health Economics Review Wang, J., H. Hennig-Schmidt, T. Iversen and G. Godager, (2020): Are patient-regarding preferences stable? Evidence from a laboratory experiment with physicians and medical students from different countries, European Economic Review, 125. Godager, G and T. Iversen, (2017): Fastlegen som portvakt, [Article in Norwegian] Michael 14, pp. 43-59 Godager, G, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, and Tor Iversen, (2016): Does performance disclosure influence physicians' medical decisions? An experimental study, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 131, pp. 36-46 Godager, G., C.A. Ma og T. Iversen, (2015): Competition, Gatekeeping, and Health Care Access, Journal of Health Economics 39, pp. 159-170 Godager, G., T. Iversen (2014): Sosial ulikhet i bruk av helsetjenester i Norge, in Botten G.S., J. Frich, T.P. Hagen, T. Iversen and H. Nordby (Eds.), Helsetjenestens nye logikk, Fagbokforlaget [Book chapter in Norwegian], ISBN: 978-82-321-0348-5 Godager G. and FA Gregersen, (2014): The association between age and mortality related hospital expenditures: Evidence from a national registry, Nordic Journal of Health Economics 2 (1) Godager, G. and D. Wiesen, (2013): Profit or Patients' Health Benefit? Exploring the Heterogeneity in Physician Altruism, Melberg, H. O., G. Godager and FA Gregersen, (2013): Sykehusutgifter mot livets slutt, [Article in Norwegian] Goth, U. S. and G. Godager, (2012): Use of Primary Care Emergency Services in Norway: Impact of Birth Country and Duration of Residence, Nordic Journal of Health Economics Godager, G., (2012): Differences in referral rates do not threaten the goal of equity in health care, [Article in Norwegian] Godager, G., (2012): Birds of a Feather Flock Together: A Study of Doctor-Patient Matching, Godager, G., T. Iversen and H. Lurås, (2012): Framtidens betalingssystemer i allmennlegetjenesten, in Melberg, H. O., and L.E. Kjekshus (Eds.), Fremtidens Helse-Norge, Fagbokforlaget [Book chapter in Norwegian], ISBN: 978-82-450-1208-8 Biørn, E., and G. Godager, (2010): Does Quality Influence Choice of General Practitioner? An Analysis of Matched Doctor-Patient Panel Data, Economic Modelling 27 842-853 Godager, G. og T. Iversen, (2009): Internasjonal handel med helsetjenester: Vil liberalisering påvirke pasienter og tilbydere i helsesektoren?[Article in Norwegian], Samfunnsøkonomen (Journal of the Norwegian Economic Association) nr 6 2009. Godager, G. and H. Lurås, (2009): Dual job holding General Practitioners: The effect of patient shortage, Godager, G., C.A. Ma and T. Iversen, (2009): Service motives and profit incentives among physicians, Godager, G. and T. Iversen, (2004): Hvem bruker retten til fritt sykehusvalg? Resultater fra Samordnet levekårsundersøkelse 2002, Working Papers Galizzi, MM., G. Godager, J. Li, I. Linnosmaa, T. Tammi, D. Wiesen (2023): Economics of Healthcare Provider Altruism, HERO Working Paper 2023:4 Godager, G., A. Scott (2023): Physician behavior and health outcomes, HERO Working Paper Aars, O.K., G. Godager, O. Kaarboe and T.A. Moger (2022): Sending emails to reduce medical costs? The effect of feedback on general practitioners’ claiming of fees, HERO Working Paper 2022:1 Pedersen, K., G Godager, HD Rognlien, JB Tyrihjell, SG Værnø, T Iversen, J Holte, B Abelsen, A Pahle, L Augestad, EM SætherEvaluering av handlingsplan for allmennlegetjenesten 2020–2024: Evalueringsrapport I, [Report in Norwegian] Godager, G., H. Hennig-Schmidt, JJ Li, F. Yang and J. Wang, (2021): Does gender affect medical decisions? Results from a behavioral experiment with physicians and medical students, HERO Working Paper 2021:1 Godager, G., T.P. Hagen, and C.B.H. Thorjussen (2021): OMSORG 2050 FRAMSKRIVNING AV OMSORGSBEHOV I KOMMUNENE, [Report in Norwegian] Report 2021:1 Abelsen, B., G. Godager and T.P. Hagen, (2021): FINANSIERING AV FASTLEGEORDNINGEN, [Report in Norwegian] Report 2021:2 Wang, J., H. Hennig-Schmidt, T. Iversen and G. Godager, (2020): Are patient-regarding preferences stable? Evidence from a laboratory experiment with physicians and medical students from different countries, HERO Working Paper Ge, G., G. Godager and J. Wang. (2019): Do physicians care about patients' utility? Evidence from an experimental study of treatment choices under demand-side cost sharing, HERO Working Paper Cheo, R., G. Ge, G. Godager, R. Liu, Q. Wang and J. Wang, (2018): The effect of a mystery shopper scheme on prescriptions in primary care: Results from a field experiment, HERO Working Paper Godager, G. and T. Iversen, (2016): Brukernes erfaringer med fastlegeordningen 2001 - 2015, HERO Working Paper Galizzi, Matteo M., T. Tammi, G. Godager, I. Linnosmaa and D.Wiesen, (2015): Provider altruism in health economics, Discussion Paper series 2015:4, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland Godager, G, H. Hennig-Schmidt, and T. Iversen, (2015): Does performance disclosure influence physicians medical decisions? An experimental study, HERO Working Paper Godager, G. and Tor Iversen, (2014): Brukernes erfaringer med fastlegeordningen 2001 - 2012. Trender i bruk, tilgjengelighet og fornøydhet, HERO Working Paper Godager, G. and T. Iversen (2013): Empirisk litteratur om sosial ulikhet i bruk av helsetjenester i Norge. Underlagsrapport til Sosial ulikhet i helse: En norsk kunnskapsoversikt. [Report in Norwegian]
Godager, G., C.A. Ma and T. Iversen, (2012): Competition, Gatekeeping, and Health Care Access, HERO Working Paper Selbæk, Vossius, Lurås and Godager, (2012): Resource Use and Disease Course in Dementia (REDIC), HERO Working Paper Godager, G. and D. Wiesen, (2011): Profit or Patients' Health Benefit? Exploring the Heterogeneity in Physician Altruism, Hagen, T.P. Hagen, K.N. Amayu, T. Iversen, G. Godager and H. Øien, (2011): Utviklingen i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester 1986-2010, Godager, G., T.P. Hagen and T. Iversen, (2011): Omfang og sammensetning av omsorgstjenester i tre nordiske land, HERO Working Paper Chen, X. and G Godager, (2011): Development of competition indicators in the Norwegian general practice: Constructing a postal code-specific Herfindahl-Hirschman index applying STATA software, Godager, G. and S. Grepperud, (2010): Har leger realistiske oppfatninger om tilsynsmyndighetenes bruk av reaksjoner? Rapport fra Helsetilsynet 6/2010 Godager, G. and T. Iversen, (2010): Brukernes erfaringer med fastlegeordningen 2001 - 2008 - Trender i bruk, tilgjengelighet og fornøydhet, Godager, G, (2009): Four Empirical Essays on the Market for General Practitioners' Services", Dissertation for the ph.d. degree, HERO Working Paper Godager, G. and T. Iversen, (2009): Helsetjenester uten grenser? Om internasjonal handel med helsetjenester og mulige virkninger av internasjonal konkurranse for det norske helsevesenet, HERO Working Paper Godager, G. (2009): Birds of a Feather Flock Together: A Study of Doctor-Patient Matching, HERO Working Paper Biørn, E. and G. Godager, (2008): Does Quality Influence Choice of General Practitioner? An Analysis of Matched Doctor-Patient Panel Data, HERO Working Paper Godager, G.,T. Iversen and H. Lurås, (2007): Fastlegeordningen. Utvikling i bruk, tilgjengelighet og fornøydhet, HERO Working Paper Godager, G., C.A. Ma og T. Iversen, (2007): Service Motives and Profit Incentives Among Physicians, HERO Working Paper Godager, G. and H. Lurås, (2005): I skyggen av Fastlegeordningen: Hvordan har det gått med det offentlige legearbeidet?, HERO Working Paper Godager, G., T. Iversen and H. Lurås, (2005): Utviklingen i fastlegenes listelengder, driftsinntekter og takstbruk, HERO Working Paper Godager, G., (2003): Fastlegeordningen og det kommunale legearbeidet - Er det tilfeldig hvilke leger som påtar seg kommunalt legearbeid?, HERO Working Paper
Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (Preprint version)
Recent Working Papers
Projects and activities:
Journal of Health Economics 32(6), pp. 1105-1116
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening Nr8, 2013 (Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association)
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening Nr3, 2012 (Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association)
Journal of Health Economics 31(1), pp. 296-305
Health Economics ,18(10), s. 1133 - 1145
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 9:1, 39-57
[Article in Norwegian] Økonomisk forum nr 4/5 2004 (Journal of the Norwegian Economic Association)
HERO Working Paper
HERO Working Paper
HERO Working Paper
HERO Working Paper